C/ Marqués de San Esteban Nº 1 -7º - Puerta 2 - GIJÓN


What is an EAFN?

Is a company approved by the Spanish Financial Services Authority

What is an EAF

An EAFN is a company approved by the Spanish Financial Services Authority and subject to its rigorous and continuous controls.

Beginning Jan/1/2009, only EAFNs (that is, only companies authorized by the Spanish Financial Services Authority) can provide personalized financial advice.

An EAFN cannot handle or get access to its clients’ money. Its only role is to give personalized financial advice.

Despite a very large number of requests, the Spanish Financial Services Authority has so far (as of Jan/1/2011) authorized just over 50 EAFNs, guaranteeing the extraordinary quality of their services.

An EAFN can receive commissions and incentives from financial institutions as long as they inform their clients about it. However, we have expressly communicated to the Spanish Financial Services Authority that we will not accept commissions or incentives from any financial institution, and we have so reflected in our Internal Code of Conduct.